About ContraTrade

What is ContraTrade?

ContraTrade provides valuable insights, analysis, and recommendations related to financial markets, investments, and economic trends. The investment strategy we mostly follow is contrarian but we also cover some interesting growth opportunities.

The site also provides valuable stock and option trading strategies and tips and general investing education that benefit traders, regardless of investment strategy or level. Our goal is to explain investing and economic concepts in simple, easy to understand language.

ContraTrade is not a trading platform or a brokerage and resides in New York, USA. ContraTrade is a portmanteau of Contrarian Trade.

Investing Principles

The following are principles we believe in:

About Founder

About ContraTrade Founder

Hi. I am the founder of ContraTrade. For over 20 years I have studied investing, trading, markets, and economics. I started trading stocks around the time the dot-com bubble started bursting in 2000. I started trading options in 2007 during the housing bubble and subsequent crash.

I have worked as a corporate accountant, financial analyst, and business analyst at some of the biggest multi-national corporations in the world such as Google and Oracle. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Business from Boston College with majors in Finance and Accounting.

My goal is to educate users of this site on investing and trading so that they can become more savvy, successful traders.


Years of Trading Experience & Market Analysis